🎉SERP Snippet Extractor is ready

🎉 Success! SERP Snippet Extractor is Now Activated!

You’re all set! From now on, you can extract Google’s organic search results with just one click. 🚀 Try it out now and streamline your SEO workflow!

How to use the extension?

✅ Perform a Google search in either desktop or mobile view

✅ Click the extension icon (Tip: Pin it to your browser!)

✅ Instantly copy all organic text results to your clipboard – ready to paste into a spreadsheet for analysis!

Which data is extracted?

Since version 2.5, you can define which elements you want in the options‘ menu. Reach the options by clicking on the extension logo with the right mouse button and select options.

Up to 22 data points can be extracted:

  1. Position
    • Position counts all elements on the SERPs and assigns a position to them.
  2. Organic Position
    • Organic position provides the ‚SEO position‘ of a result.
  3. Searchquery
    • Your search query.
  4. Search link
    • Adds a search link to the export to re-perform your search easily.
  5. Device
    • Provides the information if you searched on mobile or desktop.
  6. Title
    • Extracts the displayed title of a search result. This doesn’t need to be the page title.
  7. Description
    • Extracts the meta description ‚as displayed‘ from the search result.
  8. Pixeldistance from top
    • Provides the pixel position of a SERP element on your screen, calculated as the distance from the top of the search result. This is a very valuable information to predict organic traffic.
  9. Snippet Pixel Height
    • Provides the height of the SERP snippet of the result.
  10. URL
    • The ranking page URL.
  11. Domain
    • Extracts the domain from the URL.
  12. Sitename
    • The sitename is currently displayed above the URL.
  13. URL Preview
    • Extracts the ‚URL preview‘ of a page. This is usally a breadcrumb path.
  14. Custom Favicon
    • Tells you if a custom favicon is shown. Usually, this is a yes for all results.
  15. Title truncated
    • This flag checks if the title is truncated.
  16. Description truncated
    • This flag checks if the meta description is truncated.
  17. Has sitelinks?
    • Extracts if the result shows sitelinks.
  18. Has rich results?
    • Tells you if a rich result (like product information, ratings, …) is displayed for the result.
  19. Has image?
    • Provides information if an image is displayed alongside the URL.
  20. Location
    • Your location according to the Google SERP.
  21. Date
    • The date when you extracted the data.
  22. Time
    • The time when you extracted the data.

Whom to say thanks to?

Hi, I’m Stephan Czysch, a Berlin based Online-Marketing Strategist and SEO advisor. Feel free to connect on LinkedIn (and give getindexed.io a try ;-)).

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